Slow Down Move Over Law

Slow Down Move Over

Jumping behind the wheel, many drivers focus on reaching their destination as quickly as possible. Yet, a critical and often overlooked law demands our attention—not just for compliance, but for the safety of those on the front lines of roadside assistance and emergency response. The Slow Down, Move Over (SDMO) law isn’t merely regulatory—it’s a protective gesture to those who find themselves vulnerable on the roadsides.

towing scams

How to Recognize a Legitimate Towing Company

The moment your car breaks down and you’re stranded on the side of a highway, finding a legitimate towing company becomes a critical rescue operation. Not all heroes wear capes—some come in tow trucks—but picking the right one can be trickier than you think.

When you’re stuck with a broken car, the right tow truck driver can feel like a savior. But how can you be sure the help arriving is from a reliable towing company and not a scammer waiting to take advantage of your situation?

Stay Safe While Waiting for a Tow Truck

Stay Safe While Waiting for a Tow Truck

Stranded on the side of the road? Waiting for a tow truck can be more than just an inconvenience; it can be downright dangerous. Every year, countless drivers find themselves in potentially perilous situations while awaiting roadside assistance. Knowing how to stay safe during these crucial moments can make all the difference. Here’s what you need to do to protect yourself and your passengers until help arrives.

What to Do If Your Vehicle Breaks Down in a Remote Area

Break Down in a Remote Area? What to do.

Stranded with a broken-down vehicle in the back of beyond, you’re not just inconvenienced; you’re potentially in a survival scenario. The key to handling this situation lies in preparation and knowing the exact steps to safeguard yourself and any passengers.

It’s a stark reality, finding yourself miles from civilization, with a sputtering engine as your only companion. Here’s a comprehensive guide to handling such daunting situations, ensuring you remain safe while help is on the way.

Car Emergency Kit

Essential Items in a Car Emergency Kit

Suddenly, the unimaginable happens—your car sputters and stalls, stranding you on a dark, deserted stretch of highway. The night is cold, your phone’s battery is low, and the nearest town is miles away. This isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a situation that demands readiness. Every driver should equip their vehicle with a robust emergency kit, not just for convenience, but as a critical safety measure.

Car Overheating

What To Do When Your Car Overheats

When your car overheats, it’s not just an inconvenience—it’s a potential emergency that can seriously damage your engine. Understanding why overheating occurs and knowing what steps to take can save you not only from hefty repair bills but also keep you safe on the road.

An overheating engine can occur for several reasons such as a malfunctioning thermostat, a leak in the cooling system, or a problem with the water pump. Common indicators that your car is overheating include steam coming from under the hood, a spiking temperature gauge, and an illuminated temperature warning light.

How to Safely Push a Car

How to Safely Push a Car

Breaking down is never in the plan, but knowing how to push your car safely off the road when trouble strikes can prevent a precarious situation from becoming a perilous one. This guide provides clear steps and precautions to take if you need to move your car without power.

Even with enough help, pushing a car can be risky. If the situation feels unsafe at any point, or if the car isn’t easily movable, it’s wise to stay inside the vehicle (with seatbelts fastened) and call for professional roadside assistance.

Roadside Assistance

Do You Need Roadside Assistance Insurance

When your car breaks down, the sinking feeling is palpable. But with roadside assistance insurance, this inconvenience doesn’t have to turn into a crisis. Here’s why every driver should consider securing a safety net that keeps them protected on the go.

Roadside assistance insurance is more than just a perk; it’s a lifeline. Whether you’re facing a flat tire, a dead battery, or a lockout, roadside assistance can transform a potential day-ruiner into a minor hiccup on your journey.

Dead Battery

What to do When Your Car Battery Dies

When you turn the ignition key and are met with nothing but silence, the dreaded realization hits: your car battery is dead. What now? Before panic sets in, understand that this common automotive ailment is not just a roadblock but an opportunity to arm yourself with knowledge and tools to prevent future power failures.

When faced with a dead battery, you have a few immediate solutions to consider. Jump-starting the car or using a battery booster are your go-to options before considering towing.

Roadside Accidents

Roadside Accidents: What To Do

In the flicker of an instant, life can hurl chaos onto the road in the form of an accident. For anyone involved, whether directly or as a witness, the scene can be overwhelming, but knowing how to act swiftly and efficiently can make a world of difference. This guide not only delves into the heart of managing roadside emergencies but also tailors insights specifically for towing businesses, accentuating the pivotal roles they play.